
SmartParam comes with bulitin dynamic function invokers. Function is a pluggable piece of code that can be invoked with any arguments and return any type of data. Functions are ideal tool to model and store policies or algorithms that either have to be versioned or are applied differently depending on circumstances.


To invoke function use ParamEngine callFunction or callEvaluatedFunction. Former simply calls function of given name with given arguments. Second one first evaluates parameter and interpres parameter output value as a name of function to call.

Custom implementation

To create custom implementation of function you need to implement:


org.smartparam.engine.code.function.Function is an interface representing function. It implementations can define as many custom properties as necessary. Function object is loaded from repository and passed on to invoker. Function interface requires function to have a name (which is unique repository-wide) and type (which determines repository and invoker).

Function repository

Function repository (org.smartparam.engine.core.function.FunctionRepository) is responsible for function discovery and loading. Function repository does not have a name, instead it is registered with name of functions type that it stores. To automatically register function repository, annotate it with org.smartparam.engine.annotated.annotations.ParamFunctionRepository.

Function invoker

Function invoker (org.smartparam.engine.core.function.FunctionInvoker) is responsible for running the function based on information it got from implementation of Function interface. This is the place where all type-specific magic takes place (like evaluating Groovy script or retrieving Spring bean to call method on it). Function invoker is identified by type of functions it is able to invoke. To automatically register function invoker, annotate it with org.smartparam.engine.annotated.annotations.ParamFunctionInvoker.


As an example let's assume we have two categories of customers. Premium customers pay a lot for their status and so have other discounting algorithm. Second category is all the rest. Discounting policies have already been coded (ignore @JavaPlugin for now):

public class DiscountingPolicies() {

    public long premium(long discountA, long discountB) {
        return discountA + discountB;

    public long other(long discountA, long discountB) {
        // take lower
        return discountA > discountB ? discountB : discountA;

    public long otherPromotion(long discountA, long discountB) {
        // take higher
        return discountA > discountB ? discountA : discountAB;

Business also wants to introduce special offer periods, when discounts are calculated differently. This would be quite complicated if not for SmartParam. Notice the @JavaPlugin annotation - this registers annotated method as Java function under given name. If we already registered functions, let's construct parameter discountPolicy that will encapsulate this business logic.

date type policy
* PREMIUM policy.premium
*:2013-10-31 OTHER policy.other
2013-11-01:2013-11-30 OTHER policy.otherPromotion
2013-12-01:* OTHER policy.other

And use it:

long calculateFinalDiscount(Date currentDate, Customer customer, long discountA, long discountB) {
    return (long) paramEngine.callEvaluatedFunction("discountPolicy",
            new LevelValues(currentDate, customer.type()), discountA, discountB);

What just happened? ParamEngine function callEvaluatedFunction first evaluates given parameter using provided context. Parameter should return single string value, being function name. It is immediately called with arguments provided and function invocation value is returned.

This example purposely avoids using parameter evaluation context with level creators. To see how to implement it in more robust way read about level creators and evaluation context.