is central class of SmartParam and serves as single point of entry for parameter evaluation.
Quickest way to get ParamEngine up and running assuming you already have parameter repositories defined:
ParamEngineConfig engineConfig = ParamEngineConfigBuilder.paramEngineConfig()
.withParameterRepositories(/* insert repositories */).build();
ParamEngine engine = ParamEngineFactory.paramEngine(engineConfig);
ParamEngine must have at least one parameter repository, there is no default repository defined.
SmartParam uses annotation scanning to register default and user defined entities. Annotation scanning is
enabled by default, but can be disabled using .withAnnotationScanDisabled()
method on configuration builder.
By default only org.smartparam.engine package (with descendants) is scanned to load all default components
(matchers, types...). To add more packages to scanned set call .withPackagesToScan(String...)
. This method takes varargs String...
argument that should be used to specify custom package prefixes that should be scanned on ParamEngine creation in
search of SmartParam annotations, i.e.:
.withPackagesToScan("com.mysoftware.param", "org.smartparam.extensions")
First user provided packages are scanned, then default package org.smartparam.engine
. Custom entities override defaults
registered under the same name/code, so it is possible to cherry-pick default implementations if needed.
Configuration builder exposes methods for registering all domain entities and services in instance of ParamEngine. If options exposed by builder are not enough, it is possible to construct own ParamEngine dependency tree and replace any part of it.
ParamEngine exposes runtimeConfiguration()
method which returns immutable snapshot of all important services and repositories.
This is recommended way of accessing parameter and function cache to invalidate their contents when needed.